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A Stroll through the Internet

Last updated Oct 14, 2022 Edit Source

What would a stroll through the internet be?

I think the scenery should be nice. A light breeze, some rays of sunlight, a nip in the air.

I want to take my time. Move through the environment. Listen to the music. And then watch the thoughts bubble up. I could stumble across a post by one of my friends, an essay by someone I follow, or a piece of local news. Things show up on the side of this path. I can walk right by them, or stop, and ponder for a moment. At various points, the path forks, dotted with branches to the unrelated or the only-tangentially-related. I can choose to see more about the theme of a given article, more by the author, or continue along my existing trajectory.

I can always walk through this exact path again. I can see this path on a map of everything I have ever read or explored.

I can create my own paths. I can choose their lighting and scenery. I can leave messages. For myself and others. I can share this path, linking someone else to a starting point for their own walk.

I might run into someone else along the way. In busier parts I would move hurriedly past them. But in the more remote corners, I might welcome a fellow traveler. We could work together, reading articles, discussing them, even writing them.

I’m not sure what the internet is going to be in 100 years but it’s definitely not going to look anything like it does today. Let’s make it a place we want to be.